The aim of Friends of FAID is to support initiatives that improve the lives and well being of the hard of hearing in Lebanon.
We do this through supporting the Father Andeweg Institute for the Deaf ( FAID ) in their activities.
FAID is an institute that grew out of the vision and mission of a Dutch Anglican priest Father Andy Andeweg. Father Andy's goal and life's work was to improve the lives and opportunities of marginalised Deaf children. His work started in the harbour area of Beirut 1957, working with deaf adults and children that no one cared about. Our present deaf school evolved from those humble beginnings. Throughout Father Andy's 42 years working with the deaf community in Lebanon and further afield, he always insisted on a holistic educational approach. Lives of deaf people improve when communication abilities increase, awareness levels within the family circle increase and possibilities and abilities increase.
FAID believes, in keeping with our founders' philosophy,as well as running a school for the deaf, we have a duty of care to help marginalised deaf Syrian refugees that have no opportunities to avail of formal specialised education. Our policy for the last 50 years has been that we work with any deaf child, regardless of their religious or financial background. Always emphasising, God made everyone, he doesn't make mistakes. We are all unique in God's eyes.
"My aim in life is to make the Deaf fully integrated citizens, to give them a chance to develop their talents. I don't want them to be regarded as handicapped but as people." Father Andy.

Friends of FAID was started in October 2008 after a visit from Geraldine & Anton Scheele to The Father Andeweg Institute for Deaf Children.
With your help we have been supporting among other things :
Outreach programs among refugees
Refurbishment of old educational buildings
Staff training
Staff wages
Educational resources
A new school bus
Going forward our aim is to keep supporting projects that will make a difference in the lives of hearing impaired people who live in Lebanon.
Our Committee
Chairperson Anton Scheele
Secretary Geraldine Carroll Scheele
Member Sarah Byrne
Treasure Marie Tallon
Member Avril Rooney
None of the Committee members receive any compensation or expenses