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2019, a very busy year

2019 has been a very busy year for Friends of FAID. 

FAID developed with the support of Kentalis International several outreach programs for Refugee families. With your help we supported them:

 By paying for the training of the outreach staff & the wages of the outreach staff for 2019. 65 refugee families benefitted from these program in 2019

We also funded a teacher training program for 4 former students and a hearing aid apprentice program. The participants receive apprentice wages during the 5 year program. 

FAID started a young entrepeneur program for the older students in the school.

With your help, we funded kitchen equipment and hairdressing equipment for this project.

We also paid towards some of the repairs of the school building. 

We want to give a big thank you to everyone who contibuted towards this. 

Former students becoming Teachers


Thanks to Friends of Effatha in the Netherlands, there are now 5 former students of FAID learning to be teachers. A dream come true.

A big thank you to Amjad Awawdeh


A big thank you to Amjad for coming to our school to train people in basic audiology and making earmolds

A new Bus


Thanks to all of you, Father Andeweg Institute now has a new school bus

A big thank you to our 2 Dutch Audiologists Hilda and Samuel


With the help from Hilde and Samuel from Holland, Faid was able to screen Syrian Refugees in The Beeka valley ( East Lebanon )

Our new Science Lab


A big thank you to all our sponsors for making this new science lab possible


Thrass songs on the TV


A big thank you to Des for donating the TV

A new Ear irrigator


Friends of FAID purchased a new Ear irrigator. Wax can now safely be removed from the children’s ears without risking to damage the ear drum.


A big thank you to Vertex Netherlands for their generous donation of an new Gel machine.

We are now able to make our own earmolds suited to each child.


New Earmoulds for our students thanks to Accoustic Technologies

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A big thank you to Brian Coffey from Accoustic Technologies in Dublin.

Thanks to Brian 20 students have now new earmoulds and will have secondhand hearing aids fitted.


© Friends of FAID Ireland 2012
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